Codutech specialize in custom software development that helps product teams build rock-solid, secure and scalable custom software (without drama or accumulating technical debt).
Web Application Development
We mostly use TypeScript and JavaScript for web application development to build scalable, responsive and secure web applications. Our superpower is Angular on the front-end and Node.js on the back-end. We also work with React.js, Vue.js and Jamstack such as Gatsby.js and Next.js.
Roomex Case StudyAWS and Serverless Consulting
We build modern business applications with serverless architecture for your product so that you can rely on scalable, cost-efficient infrastructure setup. We mostly work with AWS, but we have experience with a wide range of cutting edge serverless technologies.
SaaS Application Development
As the need for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) grows, companies need a reliable SaaS software development service to cater to all the needs of their business. Check out our case study on how we build Schedulino SaaS application.
Schedulino Case StudyBuild your project with Codutech
Unlike outsourcing software development agencies, Codutech doesn't treat your project as just another source of revenue (and nothing more). Because building stable, safe and scalable custom software should always be a close relationship. That's why Codutech works as an extension of your dev team. Building, guiding, overseeing and helping your team create better (and more profitable) digital products. Like web apps or SaaS apps that solve real-life problems.
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